Potential Applications

Below is an overview of several potential applications that could be built either off-chain with Auto SDK or deployed on-chain as smart control rollups.

  • Auto Score is a framework that assigns weights to certain kinds of evidence, allows users to submit as much evidence as they want, and compile an aggregate score representing their “humanness”. Proof-of-Personhood based solution which does not require any biometrics.

  • LetsID.ai is a free off-chain service provided by Autonomys Labs, that allows anyone to easily create and manage an Auto ID by connecting an existing OIDC compatible account that has a verified identity, without having to manage a blockchain wallet or purchase Auto Coin.

  • Auto Auth is an Open ID Connect (OIDC) compatible login and authentication system that allows users to login to existing websites and apps with their Auto ID. It may also be implemented as an Auth0 integration to allow Auto Auto to be the default signup flow.

  • Agent ID is a framework for AI developers and service providers that allows for the identification, authentication, and authorization of autonomous AI agents acting on behalf of human users in a secure and trustworthy manner.

  • Auto PKI is a framework for deploying unique instances of the Auto ID registry for application or industry specific use cases, such a or consortium based identity systems.

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