Defining Your Destiny in the Age of AI

We pronounce "Autonomys" the same as "autonomous"

Introducing Autonomys

The convergence of human and artificial intelligence is redefining every aspect of our lives. As we navigate this transformative era, Autonomys is pioneering a path that champions individual autonomy, meaningful contribution, and self-driven prosperity in the age of AI. Autonomys is building the decentralized infrastructure for secure, sovereign collaboration between humans and AI. Our mission is to empower you to thrive in this new era, not as a passive recipient of handouts, but as an active architect of your own future.

Central to this mission is the Autonomys Network, powered by the innovative Subspace protocol. This decentralized network, underpinned by a Proof-of-Archival-Storage (PoAS) consensus, enables individuals to farm the network by contributing storage, thereby earning rewards through active participation and skill. This model champions the dignity of meaningful work over passive dependence.

Autonomys Identity (Auto ID) is the key to self-sovereign identity in the age of AI. Auto ID empowers you to prove your humanity without subjecting yourself to invasive biometric scans. It allows you to control your AI’s permissions and authenticate AI-generated content, ensuring that you maintain authority over your digital footprint.

In contrast to projects like Worldcoin that promote a future of Universal Basic Income (UBI) and relinquished agency, Autonomys empowers you to benefit from your effort and capability. Our platform enables you to learn cutting-edge AI technology, develop your own AI agents, and collaborate with AI to amplify your potential. We provide the tools, but you drive the outcome.

We are standing at the precipice of a new era, one where the fusion of human and artificial intelligence will redefine the very fabric of our society. In this pivotal moment, Autonomys invites you to claim your stake in this future.

We are not building a world where you give up agency for a basic stipend. We are building a world where you are empowered to learn, to create, to contribute meaningfully, and to prosper. A world where you control the AI that augments your capabilities. A world where you drive your own future.

This is the Autonomys vision. This is the future we are pioneering. Join us, not as a passive participant, but as an active creator of your destiny in the age of AI.

Welcome to Autonomys. Welcome to your future, defined by you.

Last updated