An Introduction to Auto Coin

Our Native Token

Our belief holds that AI can lead to increased decentralization and autonomy, given the right framework for success. The emphasis on autonomy includes both humans and AI as independent entities that, when collaborating, can achieve more than the sum of the parts through collective autonomy.

To join this new world, anyone with a consumer-level computer can download the Auto Peer app to pledge free disk space to the Autonomys Network, a secure, decentralized, and scalable blockchain protocol. By pledging space via the Auto Peer app, users earn Auto Coin, Autonomys' native token. Unlike traditional currencies, Auto Coin operates entirely virtually using secure, distributed blockchain technology.

Staking Auto Coins?

Operators must lock up (stake) a certain minimum quantity of Auto Coins to gain the right to conduct transactions within the execution environments of Autonomys Network (called domains). To increase the chance of executing and processing blocks, Auto Coin holders can nominate operators. The larger the pool, the higher the probability of producing a bundle and getting a reward for it. Operators are motivated to attract as many nominators as possible (up to a maximum of 256) to increase theor staking pool.

Operators are compensated for producing bundles with a nomination tax, a commission collected from the Auto Coin fees generated by executing and validating transactions. A portion of the commission is distributed among the nominators who supported operators by adding Auto Coins to their staked pool.

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